Friday, December 28, 2012


There is a big difference between investing and saving. you save for short term goals and invest in long term ones. Once you have made the decision to invest there are a few things you need to decide on. The 2 most important things are

1. How much money will you invest
2. What will you invest in

The 3 major types of investments are bonds, stocks, and cash equivalents. You can invest in one or all, directly or indirectly by purchasing mutual funds. The key is finding which investment is right for you or your company.

Follow Akutagawa International on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for investment news

Just like in business an investment strategy is needed. Investing is a gamble so a person or company need to know how much they can afford to lose without damaging themselves or their business. Investment strategy is simple! It's about investing your money in diverse investments so that you can reach your financial goals within a predetermined period of time.

Although companies make investments some look for people to invest in them. There are many free and low cost resources for the novice investor. They are a great way to learn and also help you decide if investing is right for you.

If you or your company have questions about investing contact a consultant at , we can assist you in finding what it is you need.  Always remember that your financial advisor is the best source of investment information.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Who's Business? Your Business!

The person who minds nobody’s business but his own is probably a millionaire!
How often do we mind business that is not our own? If you think about it we as people spend a lot of time with issues or concerns that have nothing to do with us. What is popular, who is popular, Who did what and where! If we spend more time focusing on our own business there would be a lot of rewards.
As business professionals we have to know what our competition is doing. This helps us with our analytical knowledge of our industry. But it doesn't matter if your competition did something illegal or has a new brand. The question is, if they are making money how are they doing it? Does their product or service offer something that the people need and want? The product or service may not be a necessity, so then why are they still succeeding. Maybe they have a catchy commercial or jingle. Something is prompting customers to buy or at least look into it. But what?
Visit to find out what strategies can help your business grow.
The phrase at the beginning of this blog tells a very important story. "The person who minds nobody's business but his own is probably a millionaire." Why? Because that person is too busy coming up with plans to be successful. They spend time trying out new methods and tweaking old ones. They are flat out to busy to care about what the next professional is doing.
The CEO of another company was smuggling money from illegal accounts!
The true business professionals thought is what can I change in my marketing strategy that will save me money and bring me more clients this year. When we focus more on what we are trying to do instead of what everyone else is doing, we will begin to see the rewards.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Does your business use the right Apps?

Is your company using the best Apps?

There are so many apps to choose from in 2012. There will be more to choose from in the future. The major point is not which apps are better but which applications will assist you with your business. 

There are plenty to choose from; however depending on the type of company you own or work for will play a big part.  You can use just about any app but you want what will target your audience. An example would be a photographer that has an Instagram app on his/her smartphone or tablet device. This will allow for pictures which is important to someone in the photography field.

If your company deals with investments and stocks then you would definitely want an app that allows you to follow the changes in the stock market. 

Social Media Marketing is very popular so having the apps easy to access is a good move. You can bounce between the ones most in use such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and linkedIn.

Follow your favorite blogs and post relevant information while on the go. Downloading your blog apps is a great idea to write when you have time. Maybe you just came across something during travel that will benefit your clients or followers. Just start typing and post. The more we share with others, the more they will look for us when they need information or advice.

There are many apps that are low cost but many great ones are absolutely free. Check out the 15 Best Free Business Tools (Apps) 

Don't forget to visit

Akutagawa always keeps our clients informed

Monday, December 10, 2012

What businesses should be doing for 2013

There are still many changes that need to be made during 2013 for businesses around the world. Finding out what is going on, how it effects the company, and having secondary plans are important. One of the best solutions Akutagawa International suggests is Emergency Budget Plans. Also start researching what companies can help. You need to make money with your service or product but you also need to save money where you can.

An Emergency Budget will allow small businesses and larger corporations to make quick decisions if the need arises. You may need to make cuts in different areas and knowing what your company can do without is important.

Akutagawa International is also aware that certain services may be cut from the budgets as well. What a company use to spend $1000 per month on may only be able to spend $500. What happens when your service provider can not provide the services for that amount. Most business service firms charge around the same amount. They may off discounts but not by much.

Visit for information on our discount rates.

We have developed Akutagawa International for that purpose. We didn't decide to drop our prices because of the many challenges businesses will face around the world. We already wanted to offer quality services at low prices from the start.

Most firms charge per hour for these services. Akutagawa International has developed weekly and monthly packages. This will prove to fit into a companies budget easier. It also allows a company to make a decision on when they need services the most. They may want a basic social media package one week per a month. This is fine! You decide how you want the services. this can include 7 consecutive days, or days spread out. The hours involved can also be cut. This means if your package offers 5 hours of social media marketing per day you can also request 2.5 hours for one and roll the additional 2.5 to another.

No company should go without the business services they need because they can't afford them. Why can't they afford them? Because many companies charge an arm and a leg for the services. These services by the hour run around $15. 5 hours per day is $75. The week will run about $375 and the month $1500. But firms will offer a discount. They do this because they want to keep your business. But how many firms are will to chop that price in half? Or slice it even more? Not many!

Akutagawa International will work with you. Tell us what you need done and we will find a solution. There is no such thing as Impossible! Remember "Im Possible" is already in the word. Let Akutagawa International make 2013 a little easier.

Visit our website for special deals for New Clients in the USA and Overseas

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012


One of Akuatagwa International's Technology specialist is offering special services for the holidays. Christmas and New Years are celebrated all over the world. Let one of Akuatagwa International's technology specialist help you.

Offering laptop and smartphone services. Need something repaired? Contact us on our website at or call 201-316-2352 to find out more.

Laptop Repair and Service
Software installation and removal
Smartphone repair

Receive an additional 10% off when you mention Akutagawa International.


Who says business can't be fun? There are so many ideas and plans to come up with. Have a little fun running your small business or larger corporations. No one likes to do things they don't like. Small businesses and other larger companies have to keep their ideas fun and fresh.

Throw a company gathering dedicated to fun new ideas. Get a theme, promote it and have fun with it. Get your fellow co workers involved along with your community and customers. Your community and customer idea are just as important. This also allows your business to know what they are thinking.

Brain storming is excellent. We all have so many ideas for great new services and products. Find ways to bring them to light. Akutagawa International loves to have brain storming events. It lets us know what is hot and what is not. It also gives us time to relax and have fun while working. Follow us on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for great business idea solutions.

When you visit our website at you will see that we offer many different business services. We also have fun when creating plans for our clients. Fun and fresh is what our clients want and what their customers look for. Offering these services as extremely low rates is just a bonus for our clients.

Instagram your business

How Instagram can be part of your marketing strategy? Think about it. Pictures tell it all. Plus we all enjoy looking at a great photo. Take pictures of your company, or outings. You can even take pictures of your products. It doesn't cost anything and you can do it on the go. As business professionals we come across a lot of interesting things throughout our day. Snap a photo and share it with the world.

Add hashtags to them so people have an idea of what the photo is or is for. If you are taking a photo of a business seminar that is great for mall businesses than include that. There are many people on Instagram that are small business owners. They will learn something from you and be more inclined to search you. Nothing is better than curiosity, and nothing says a thing better than a photo.

Visit to find out how we can assist your business

Akutagawa International helping businesses Build!

The business mind

Akutagawa International is dedicated to knowing what our clients want. Everyone needs something different depending on what they are promoting or selling.

Visit our facebook and Twitter pages and tell us what your company does? what services or products do you have? Why are these services and products important to your customers. Leave us a comment explaining what is on your mind when it comes to business and services. Let us help you share with the world your opinions.

Visit us at to find out how our services can help you.

What will happen to business in 2013

There has been a lot of talk about businesses and the problems they will face in the future. These problems are more financial, so what will businesses do? Anytime there are issues companies will revise their plans or implement new ones. Some will even put the breaks on depending on how bad it is. What will your company do if there is an unforeseen situation that suddenly hits? Well, that depends.
Akutagawa International is preparing for the problems that have been mentioned all over the news for companies and small business owners. That is why we offer the same quality business services for the discounts that we do. There are certain things that can be cut from a small business or large corporation. Marketing is NOT one of them. In order to continue increasing sales and being profitable people have to know that you exist. They have to know what your company is still offering.
Visit to find out what discount services we can assist you with. Keep us in mind when you have to make a quick decision. We understand the importance of some businesses services. That is why we are willing to drop our prices to help out our clients. We need to stick together during this time.
We need to remember that our fellow businesses are going through the same things we are. It is not difficult to lend a helping hand in time of need. If a company you know offers a product or service that you don't suggest them to others. Networking together can actually help both companies. It shows that you take interest in the companies around you and that you are a good team player. You may think, We are not on the same team though? This is true, but just like a basketball game good sportsmanship is just as important as playing the game. If sportsmanship is important to you, the other teams will look forward to playing with you. They will also take the time out to say that about you. The more people talking, means more potential clients and building a stronger network during tough times.
Let Akutagawa International Help you make these connections. Follow us on Twitter for updates on our packages. Some services cost an arm and a leg. We don't need your arm or your leg. Let us prove our loyalty to your company and see how much you will save and be satisfied.
Remember us when you are in a tight spot. We are prepared to assist! Business Services Start With Us!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Business Professionals need RELAX time too!

Not only do we work crazy hours and deal with many complications but business professionals have private and family lives like anyone else. We are people too and also want to enjoy life. Akutagawa International works with associates around the globe and it is the same. A lot of us are overworked and need a break. Business will always be on our minds, but it is great to get a way or just do something that is not work related. When you are in business mode remember to visit our webpage for business updates at

Here are some things that Akutagawa International suggests:

If You Can? 

Take a Trip!
It doesn't matter where it is just go. Sometimes we just need a change of scenery. It can be a small trip somewhere in your own country or you can fly to another. As a business professional you probably travel already and are thinking "I am always on a damn plane!" The difference is you are going somewhere you want, to do what you want to do. You will become excited just thinking about the fact that you have no one to report to but YOURSELF!
There are also ways to incorporate work with pleasure. Try to build a schedule before any business trip that can allow you to take some time to yourself to do a few fun things. It doesn't have to be a long amount of time, however, you want to be able to do something that isn't WORK related. You may encounter some problems during this experience but must force yourself to take ME time. It is greatly needed.
Spa Day
This is for both Men and Women!
People seem to think that mostly women go to spas. This may be true but the men are beginning to get with the program. A Massage is a massage and it doesn't matter if you are male, female, a baby, or dog, it is WONDERFUL! There are so many to choose from as well. It helps to get rid of that tension your body builds up. You can go to an elegant spa that may cost a little bit of money and just use all of their services or you may be on a tight budget and feel you can't have this done. Nothing is impossible. Believe it or not you can get a great massage for a lot cheaper by visiting one of the street or mall massage venders in your area. This may seem strange to some. It also seemed strange to our chairwoman. After talking her into it at a festival in NYC she agreed to try it. It was entertaining to see how she was uptight but once she sat in that massage chair and the man dressed all in black started the massage we couldn't get her up. Even if you have money for a great day spa sometimes smaller things are just as good or even better.
Buy yourself something nice!
It doesn't have to be anything expensive. Just take the time to reward yourself for your hard work! You can go to a local mall or even to a shopping square in your are. Buy a new outfit, or cologne, or even a new work suit! It doesn't matter what it is, just get it. Knowing you are able to reward yourself from time to time will help you stay motivated.
Have a drink or good food!

What ever your choice is have good food or good drinks with good people or by yourself. Sometimes it is needed just to step away from the corporate or business world. Find a good lounge close to home or the office. You will be glad you did.
Spend time with your family!
Some professionals get so caught up in work that they forget the important people around them. This happens to all of us. Remember to have a family day. Go shopping, out to eat, to a park for a BBQ! Family is important and we must remember that. Even if you decide to do something at home that is fine. Cook dinner together, play board games, and laugh. You deserve it.
Remember to visit our webpage for information on our personal services. Akutagawa International offers many business services but we also offer our clients personal ones as well. Go to to learn more.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Electronics! Tell us what Products are your Favorite and Why

So we received a lot of feed back on our short article on Computers and Electronics. It is no surprise that this subject is of interest to many people. It doesn't matter if it is personal or professional, the bottom line is technology runs the world.

There are many companies around the world that produce these products. Some of the more popular names are Apple, Samsung, Toshiba, and LG. There are so many products to choose from and sometimes individuals aren't sure which product is best for them.

There are a few things that need to be taken into consideration. How much can you spend? Once you answer this question then you can narrow down what products are feasible and what's off limits. The second question is, What are you using the product for? It is for personal use? Business use? Depending on what you will do with this new product is just as important. If you will be conducting business, sending emails, media etc, you need a device that can handle that load; however if it is personal you may only need something simple. Something that allows you to text, takes pictures, and navigate social media sites.

Akutagawa International offers several Computer/Electronic services. Visit us at for more information.

The Blackberry isn't as popular anymore. Since the launch of Apples iPhone blackberries have become almost extinct. Although not as popular anymore there are still many businesses and corporations that use them such as executive firms and hospitals. A blackberry still comes in handy. Sometimes it is a matter of comfort as well.

Akutagawa Internationals Director of Consulting uses an Iphone for business and personal matters, but the Chairwoman (Founder/CEO) uses a blackberry. Akutagawa International's Director of Business uses a very basic phone but operates well with his laptop, while the Director of Sales and Production uses a Galaxy. All of these products get the job done and it is more a matter of what the individuals are comfortable with.


Electronic companies tend to come up with something new quite often. Akutagawa International feels that this is important because like our firm, you want to offer your clients options. When it takes too long for a company to produce another product their competitors are producing several which will put them in the sales lead in the future. Inventing one AWESOME product one year and another a year and a half later is ok when you are a big name company. However when other well known companies produce 5 within the time you are wanting to launch your newest product your sales may drop.

Some names are just so big everyone around the world will know them but even with that popularity you have to keep you customers wanting more. You also need to produce excellent products in all price ranges. Not everyone can afford a $600 product but these customers need options to. Being able to cater to all customers will help that company be profitable in during a recession.

Follow us on Twitter for some of the best info about electronics around the world.

Leave a comment on our blog. Let us know what electronic products you useand why? What services and products do you need? What products do you think are promising? We want to hear from you.







Saturday, December 1, 2012



Most social media marketing firms charge per hour. This cost is usually $10- $25. Depending on how many hours are needed a company can end up spending $600 or more per month just on social media marketers. Why pay that much when Akutagawa International can offer a deal where your business will get noticed and have exposure morning, noon, and night. We can also reach your target audience in the U.S.A. and Overseas. We offer one flat weekly rate!

Akutagawa International is offering a special social media marketing package for our NEW clients in the U.S.A. and Overseas

Holiday Social Media Package (December)

Facebook 3 hours per day Fanpage ( Include engaging content, 
                                                            photos, media)       
Twitter   3 hours per day ( Your businesses tweets, relevant 
                                            re-tweets by your industry, photos
                                            and media)
2 Blog Post per day   ( With engaging content, customer response,
                                        promotional offers, spark interest of
                                        potential clients, build word-of-mouth
                                        client base)

$ 40 per week 

Akutagawa International's

Akutagawa International is offering a Special discount for all New Clients in the month of december. Visit us at to find out more.

Social Media Packages included with services

Follow us on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for special Promo Codes for the month of December

Akutagawa International: New Businesses Making Money

Akutagawa International: New Businesses Making Money: Many start-up businesses want to know how they can make more money and get noticed. Believe it or not sometimes the simple way is best. Of c...

New Businesses Making Money

Many start-up businesses want to know how they can make more money and get noticed. Believe it or not sometimes the simple way is best. Of course you will have to spend a little time and maybe a little money getting everything going, but sometimes the questions that present have very simple answers. Vist to find out how you can help you save money with some of these services.

Akutagawa International helps start-up buisnesses find out what works for them. We came across this youtube video that explains it best and the best part about it? It's SIMPLE!

This video explains some of these simple steps and also helps businesses understand some of the basic questions and answers that arise in the business world. Some of the major points include:

Building a client list! How To Get Clients!
Call and ask them!

What products or services do you provide?
 Single or Multiple Services or Products?

Just like your computer basics
Give your clients options!

Create Package Deals!
When your clients are using more than one service


Clients love to hear these 4 words!

Be sure to include discounts and sales for your new clients and also special promotions for your existing clients. You are providing the best service and products you have to offer and you are still showing them that their business is appreciated. This will help in creating loyalty which is very important.

Akutagawa International is running a special promotion for all NEW clients in the U.S. and Overseas. Visit us at and find out how you can save and receive FREE business services!

What Are You Thinking About?!

Thinking is part of our everyday lives. It doesn't matter if you are a business professional or an ordinary person. We all think about similar things such as what to eat, what to buy, where to go, and what to do. So many thoughts flying around at any given time. One thought that seems to always be on the minds of everyone in the world is "How to make/save money!"


Do you see how easy it was to get your attention? Making and saving money is everyone's dream especially business professionals. Money is very important. It becomes the lifeline of a company or organization. When it is gone, the company dies.

Finding quality reliable sources for your business may be difficult. That is why Akutagawa International offers many business services at discount rates. We save you money while continuing to provide quality service. Visit us at to find out how we can assist you.

Looking for extra ways to save? Follow us on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for special slip in discounts. What is a slip in discount? Well, this is special discount that one of our personal executives decide to offer on a whim. This means your company will save even more because one of our executives just wants to help.