Monday, December 10, 2012

What businesses should be doing for 2013

There are still many changes that need to be made during 2013 for businesses around the world. Finding out what is going on, how it effects the company, and having secondary plans are important. One of the best solutions Akutagawa International suggests is Emergency Budget Plans. Also start researching what companies can help. You need to make money with your service or product but you also need to save money where you can.

An Emergency Budget will allow small businesses and larger corporations to make quick decisions if the need arises. You may need to make cuts in different areas and knowing what your company can do without is important.

Akutagawa International is also aware that certain services may be cut from the budgets as well. What a company use to spend $1000 per month on may only be able to spend $500. What happens when your service provider can not provide the services for that amount. Most business service firms charge around the same amount. They may off discounts but not by much.

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We have developed Akutagawa International for that purpose. We didn't decide to drop our prices because of the many challenges businesses will face around the world. We already wanted to offer quality services at low prices from the start.

Most firms charge per hour for these services. Akutagawa International has developed weekly and monthly packages. This will prove to fit into a companies budget easier. It also allows a company to make a decision on when they need services the most. They may want a basic social media package one week per a month. This is fine! You decide how you want the services. this can include 7 consecutive days, or days spread out. The hours involved can also be cut. This means if your package offers 5 hours of social media marketing per day you can also request 2.5 hours for one and roll the additional 2.5 to another.

No company should go without the business services they need because they can't afford them. Why can't they afford them? Because many companies charge an arm and a leg for the services. These services by the hour run around $15. 5 hours per day is $75. The week will run about $375 and the month $1500. But firms will offer a discount. They do this because they want to keep your business. But how many firms are will to chop that price in half? Or slice it even more? Not many!

Akutagawa International will work with you. Tell us what you need done and we will find a solution. There is no such thing as Impossible! Remember "Im Possible" is already in the word. Let Akutagawa International make 2013 a little easier.

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