Jason Tanaka
Director of Sales
Akutagawa International
Mobil devices make it very easy to snap a shot and post it on our favorite social media sites. This can be an excellent tool to get your company noticed. You can use all types of pictures. If you sell candy then you may have many shots of different candy with a small caption that sparks your audiences curiosity.
All of your company photos do not have to be business related. If you are traveling to work and see a beautiful sunrise your consumers and possible customers would enjoy seeing that as well. It shows that you are a business professional but also human.
If you look at some of your major (Large) Brands you will see that they post a high percentage of photos on their Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram sites.
Why are photos a great way to get noticed? Photos have a better chance of being shared. They also get LIKED more than your standard links.
Sometimes a simple photo of a chart can explain more to your consumers or potential clients then a long detailed explanation.
Business Snack Tip of the Day! Let Great Pics do the Talking! Snap A Shot!
Visit http://akutagawainternational.com for more business snack tips and to find out how Akutagawa International can help your business this year
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