Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Relationship Advice
"Business networking is a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like minded business people recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities."
Your business network is a very valuable resource for your company. Networking is, at its core, relationship-building. You are making a connection that stands to benefit the parties involved. There are a few ways to build your network. We will discuss a few in this article.
Lets keep in mind that anyone can be in your network. The reason I say this is because many people do know someone in business and can refer you or your company to someone else. I am not saying to put every person in the world in your network but keep that in mind when searching.
Getting in touch with the right people
This is important because everyone you meet will not be in the same industry as you. So now you must start researching how to get in contact with the right people. There are a few ways to do this.
Think of your industry and the different settings you can meet other professionals that share the same passion. This can lead you to your local Chamber of Commerce. Your Chamber of Commerce promotes networking between businesses. They can refer you to the right people or events that will help your company get in touch with the right people.
Expos, Trade Shows, Conferences
These events can help build your professional network almost immediately. Trade Shows, Expos, and conferences have many people within an industry in one spot. It also gives you information about other businesses, what they are doing, new approaches, etc. A business professional can meet others in their industry, share thoughts and ideas, and stay connected.
Networking in groups
When networking in larger groups or at events it is important to remember why you are there. You are participating to learn and to also make others aware of who you and your company are. Keep your information organized. Arrive early! This may seem simple since we want to be on time for important events; however some individuals do not like being the first at an event. The benefits are you can get a feel for the atmosphere and also set a tone.
Ask easy questions. No one likes to deal with really complicated things. When you are easy to understand and ask basic questions you let the people you are speaking with know your interested and then you can both decide if a more in depth route is the way to go. Capture the interest first.
LISTEN! I can not stress this more. You do not want to come across like your stealing the show. It is not all about you but about all of you. When you actively listen to others they do return the favor.
Ditching the sales pitch. Do not start off selling. Create a simple way to describe yourself and what you do. If someone is meeting you for the first time and ask your name, do not say "I'm Mike Johnson the CEO of INV Ventures who is the leading travel company on the east coast worth over 3 billion dollars." That is a bit much. Some will think to themselves, Dude I just asked your name. Introduce yourself, your company, and then ask who they are. Become genuinely interested in the other person. Try not to hijack the conversation.
Share your passions and why you do what you do.
Remember to smile. This actually sets a tone and make you more approachable.
Remember to follow up! This is crucial. Try to do it within 48 hours of the event. You won't seem to eager but also within a short time frame for people to remember who you are. Reference your conversation so they remember you. Offer a lunch meeting so you can get to know the individual better and they can learn more about you.
There is a lot more to networking but these are a few points that any professional can learn from. Visit our website to learn more about Akutagawa International http://akutagawainternational.com. Sign up for our news letter at the bottom of our website to get the latest on business service news
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Business is Pregnant and ready to give birth! Who's going to watch the first episode?
Business will be giving birth in 2013 to a litter of new products and services. There are many companies coming up with fantastic things this year. Just like cute little puppies and kittens businesses will produce things that consumers will just have to hold and cuddle.
The same goes for businesses and exposure. 2013 is the time to be creative in targeting your markets. There are many routes that businesses haven't traveled yet. On is the popular response from videos. Toyota got it right with their Camry Campaign staring Lee Min Ho. This is a mini drama series that is put together like your typical soap opera; however it is telling consumers how the Camry can help in somewhat difficult situations. For example, Lee Min Ho is suffering from amnesia and doesn't know who he is. The doctor brings him to his car, where he sees different apps on the dashboard and he hits Pandora. Music starts playing and he gradually begins to remember who he is. This mini episode suggests that all other efforts were exhausted and it was the feature of the Toyota Camry that helped the patient. I must say it was quite interesting.
Another episode showed a high speed chase. Lee Min Ho's character stops for gas and is captured in the bathroom. The people after him (His evil twin) claim that they couldn't keep up because he was in a Toyota Camry. So as you can see the features of the car are put into each episode. The story line is interesting to keep the attention of the viewers along with potential customers.
I mention this in particular because I wonder how it would be if more businesses and brands used this method? If you wanted to know more about the true features of an iPhone you could just watch a mini series that will entertain you as well as give you valuable information about the product you may consider buying. Seeing how others use it in every day situations or how the features can assist your daily activity. This is an interesting new twist to marketing and advertising.
If we consider the many different products and services out there we can say there would be a lot of mini dramas. People around the world are interested in different things and businesses along with marketing and advertising agencies can use this to their advantage. Here is a thought, your company sells electronics. Anything from smartphones to tablets. You decide that a lot of the features you have on these devices would help a lot of medical professionals when diagnosing and treating patients. You develop a small mini medical drama using the gadgets your company produces and show how these devices can help medical personell during work hours. It could be like Grey's Anatomy meets Samsung. Some may think this is a stupid idea but you will be amazed at how many clients and consumers like visual things. How many consumers watch television or movies? Online programs? Quite a few actually! How many people enjoy a great cop or law show such as Law and Order? CSI? A mini series about Law officials and their daily activities combined with a product watchers can possibly use? Businesses and brands stand to benefit from this. What's even better is it doesn't cost that much. Simple video is fine as long as it is edited properly and the video is of decent quality. You do not need to hire Michael Bay for your mini series unless you can afford him then go for it.
Basic software can be used to produce video advertising and it can then be linked to a companies website, social networks, and sites such as Youtube. We must face it, Youtube is used by everyone from kids looking up music to professionals searching how to videos. Everyone is on it so this means you are targeting anyone who may have an interest in your product anywhere around the world. You will use genres to target your market. Develop a good horror mini series that shows how the advanced features on an android can help someone in a somewhat challenging position. There are many potential customers for androids that love horror. Again, this doesn't have to be costly. Anyone with a webcam or video camera can do it. The next question businesses may have is " I know nothing about video or editing!" Believe it or not this isn't a big problem at all. Any business professional with children will tell you that your 14 year old can produce a pretty good mini movie with basic equipment. What will be the true challenge is the script.
Using video and short mini clips to advertise and market your business or brand will take time but most of that time is creating a mini script that will advertise specifically what you want your customers to know in each episode. To give you an idea if your product is a smartphone each mini episode can focus on one feature. This gets your audience interested and wanting to know more. They are more likely to come back for episode two to find out what the next feature will be. Potential customers will also want to see how the storyline plays out.
This sort of marketing can work for any product and service so the creativity of companies can soar.
Remember to visit http://akutagawainternational.com to see how our company can help your business save money in 2013.
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What others say DOES matter! Consumer Purchasing
There are so many products and services all around the globe. Businesses put their best foot forward when marketing and advertising and their efforts do drive revenue; however is it just marketing that brings people to purchase a service or product? This isn't always the case. Consumers like to know the experience of other consumers. It makes perfect sense. I can advertise that Apple makes the best products. The only way to validate this is to have the opinion of Apple users.
We also have to keep in mind that not every product or service our favorite brands put out will be great. People use certain things for different reasons. If you look at smartphones and laptops for example, depending on what you are using the device for will determine the type you get. If you are using your gadgets for business then you need a device capable of handling the job you wish to perform. Again, this is only half of it. Some people prefer to work with simpler platforms than others. Something very easy to navigate, while others enjoy figuring out great complicated apps that will make their daily tasks simpler. It depends on the consumers preference.
Bottom line, consumers like to know what other consumers are doing. What they are purchasing and why? If we decide that the Samsung Galaxy looks like something we want to buy we will look into what Galaxy users have to say. Everyone will have a different opinion but we will be able to read a few to kind of get a sense of how the product works and the satisfaction of the customers.
Some may argue that customer reviews now a days are mostly fake. This is also true, but when you read a product or service review you can tell if it is questionable. Looking for reviews that go into detail is also key. If the review says "It sucks!" and nothing else, that will make you wonder. Why does it suck? We need reviews that will give detail. If the product is great, then why is it great. Consumers will like a product or service for one main reason or a few. The truth is consumers prefer customer reviews more than critics. They prefer this because the consumers are going to say if a product isn't what it is hyped up to be.
Even with everyday products we look to others for their opinion. This is also word of mouth marketing. People share information with other people. If something is great we want to praise it to someone else. If it is horrific we want to complain about it to someone. This is just how humans are.
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This article was inspired by Forbes.com, author Bradford Williams article "Five rules for building engagement with product reviews. Visit Forbes.com to read full article
Saturday, January 26, 2013
What makes Business Great?
Article inspired by Julia Pimsleur Forbes.com
"5 Seeds to Sprout Success: growing a business that does well and does good" (Liz Neumark)
There are many things that make business great. Knowing that you are providing a product or service that the people (consumers) need and want is a great reward. But how do you build your businesses into a great one? There are many ways to accomplish this but hard work and dedication will always be at the top of the list.
Mistakes are good. Some may feel when you make mistakes you are failing. This isn't the case. Mistakes help us grow as individuals as well as provide experience. The only way you will know if something works or doesn't is by trying it out. You have to be willing to try and tweak when needed. Mistakes are probably the best teachers. Just like children, when starting out you are not aware of many things. Your parents may say not to touch the stove and prevent you from doing it. It will not be until your hand gets burned that you truly understand.
Networking is also a key task. When done correctly you build loyalty while exposing your brand (business) to others. Taking time to develop your professional network is very important. This allows you to have options when seeking business advice as well as word of mouth marketing. It also puts you in line to meet some of the key players in your industry along with others. A strong network can assist any business small or large when used properly. Investing in your professional network is always a plus.
Nurture, Mentor, and Invest in your team. As business owners we are only as good as the people we have working with us. Investing in your business also includes investing in your team. Make sure they have all the resources they need to become better. One thing that Akutagawa International team members do is attend conferences and trade shows around the world. This allows my team members to teach what they know and learn new things from some of the front runners. Similar to a Continuing Education Unit. The world is changing so business will change along with it. It is important to stay in the loop of things. As an owner or executive of your business you have to be ready to assit when needed, offer advice, get involved, implement, and execute.
Risk taking is a big part of starting a new business. You may offer a product or service that is already popular and have a lot of competition. No matter what the risk is, be willing to take it. Just remember to be smart about it. Like poker business uses strategy. Do not bet your entire business on a bluff if you can not afford to do so. A gambler will gamble differently depending on the money being used. If he can afford to loose it all he make take chances he normally wouldn't. If he can't afford to loose he will not risk a bluff that can cost him everything. It is hard to gamble with scared money. A scared business will not see the opportunities right infront of them.
Deciding what is truly important to you. The time and effort you will invest with the time and effort you expect your followers to invest will be large. You can not expect to make it if you do not believe in yourself or the purpose and mission you are trying to accomplish. Luck also plays a huge factor in this big game of business. You have to make an offer your clients can't afford to refuse and deliver.
Akutagawa International makes offers our clients can't refuse. Visit http://akutagawainternational.com to see how we can save your business money this year. Go to Forbes.com and read the best in business news
Remember to sign up for our E-Newsletter for the latest Akutagawa International business servies news and deals http://eepurl.com/rEktT
What is a Leader?
We often hear the word Leader but what is a Leader really? We can give a very basic answer to this question which would be:
A leader is someone who leads.
There is a little more to it then just that. Forbes.com had an article written by Mike Myatt "Why you are not a leader", and it hit a few great points. Myatt gives a lists of reasons why people are not leaders. There are quite a few individuals that believe they are leaders; however this is not the case. Leaders do not just lead. There is a lot more to the job description.
A leader has a vision. Leaders see problems that need fixing and goals that need to be achieved. This can be things that others do not see, choose to ignore, or just don't have what it takes to tackle. This will also bring me to the point of responsibility. When there are challenging tasks many will pass them up in fear that they might fail. The difference between a leader and a "Wanna Be" leader is that a true leader will take on any task that is needed. If their first approach fails they will only regroup and tackle the problem again and again until the results are successful. Leaders will also take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their team. A leader will not view failing the same way others do. They will see it as an opportunity to create a better strategy.
Some of the points Myatt mentions in his article are:
* Not caring
* Getting results the wrong way
* Taking credit instead of giving it
These are excellent points. You have to care, get results the right way, and remember you didn't complete the mission on your own. You need people to lead to be a leader. It is not enough for the leader to just have a vision.
"Is it a passion for the idea, an inner sense of drive, or some sense of commitment? Whatever it is, it is the strength that lets leaders move their vision forward despite all the obstacles, despite all the people saying it can't be done, it's too costly, we tried that before, or a dozen other excuses. The true leader perseveres and moves forward."
Some may argue if leaders are born or made. The truth is a leader can be either. No one was born a world class surgeon, the surgeon just studied hard and practiced countless years to become the best in his field. Anyone can learn to be a leader if they truly want to be one. Basic leadership skills include effective communication, motivation, and thoroughly planning.
"Leaders dream dreams. They refuse to let anyone or anything get in the way of achieving those dreams. They are realistic, but unrelenting. They are polite, but insistent."
At the end of the day the drive of a leader is different from the rest of the team. As a leader you want to have a vision, a good plan, a motivated team, and a goal. You want your vision to come to light, you want your team members to succeed and praise the effort of everyone as a unit. If even one person on the team fails the leader has failed, that is why leaders will continue to strive for excellence for themselves and the people that follow them on their journey.
To review the full article by Mike Myatt visit Forbes.com. Visit http://akutagawainternational.com to leave a message on our blog board about leadership. Remember to check our website for special promotional offers on your business services.
Follow us on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for mor articles from Forbes
Remember to sign up for our E-Newsletter for the latest Akutagawa International business servies news and deals http://eepurl.com/rEktT
Friday, January 25, 2013
COM*RE: Social Media, Cheese Cake, & Keeping in touch....
COM*RE: Social Media, Cheese Cake, & Keeping in touch....: So yesterday I went to this luncheon hosted by friend David Grant owner of LVM (a PR company) that had about 5 speakers in it's lineup. It w...
Money or Mission?
It is not surprising that there are many entrepreneurs around the world today. There are so many ideas for products and services and with the advancement of technology individuals stand to make a lot of money if they have good strategies. As professionals we just have to keep in mind that even the most well executed strategy can fail.
There was an article on Forbes.com written by Erica Swallow about a topic I recently had with some of my team members. The article "Are start up employees motivated by money", makes people think about the real reasons that drive team members in New Business Start-ups.
Money is a very important factor and we all love it; however businesses in the early stages of development may have little or limited finances. Swallow goes to explain that employees for start-ups may be motivated by sense of purpose and mission. It is exciting that you are apart of creating something that may take the world by storm. Swallow also goes to say that most employees in start ups do not have six figure bank accounts. So what truly drives them? I still believe that money is the main motivator.
Akutagawa International is a firm that offers low cost business services in areas such as Marketing, Commercial Real-State, Investments, Advertising, International Business, and more. As professionals we came together to provide quality services for all businesses around the world at substantially low rates. We all have experience in our fields and we extend our resources to our clients; however Akutagawa International has a few junior staff members that are not established in their fields. So, even though the executives have a steady income from our primary jobs the junior staff are still a little wet behind the ears. They also want to make enough money to be financially stable with the changing economies.
Junior staff seem to get excited over new projects especially when I decide I do not want a lot of people knowing what's going on in the beginning. I choose several new things, hand the work to a team, give a deadline, and then see what they have come up with. They may not be making millions of dollars now but you can believe in the back of their minds they are saying "If we can pull this off $$$$". Swallow also mentions how these employees are driven by praise and commendation. This is very gratifying but I also believe they are motivated by the money they stand to make if they do an excellent job.
Akutagawa International has made a decision to take on enterns from around the world. These individuals are driven by praise and commendation because they are still learning. they are either students in the various fields of business or graduates looking to gain some international business experience.
There is an Akutagawa Electronics junior team member that came to us about 6 months ago. This individual didn't have much experience or education under his belt but he did have a skill. I decided to give this guy a chance. I told him the basic things he needed to learn, paired him with our Chief Technology Officer, and then gave him a task. He worked hard on that task and at times tried to give up. I didn't let him. I eventually handed him a job that involved recovery of a system. He did about three hours of work and made $1,500. He was motivated in the beginning, ran into some trouble, kept at it and made a huge profit in the end. The money he received drove him to want to learn more. He has also assisted with the development of the Akutagawa Electronics marketing plan. He understands that he has a skill with computers, speaks four languages, and works with a firm that will help him succeed. We will nurture his gift. This opportunity stands to bring him MONEY! This is what is driving him right now.
Swallow's article is very true when saying employees are motived by more than just money. But I still believe it is the thought of the money they stand to make that drives them to be excited in Start-ups.
Visit Forbes.com to view Erica Swallows full article.
Remember to visit http://akutagawainternational.com to see how we can assist you with saving money in 2013. Followus on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for special promotional offers
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Thursday, January 24, 2013
Business Tumblring (TUMBLR)
When we think about social media marketing and advertising we think about the most common sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and so forth; however there are a few excellent sites that are overlooked.
I must admit when I heard about Tumblr I immediately thought of kids and teenagers. I have a 14 year old daughter and that is one of her favorite sites. The truth is there are more adults and business professionals on this social media site.
I came across a guest post by Hayes Davis on Forbes.com that sparked my interest. Davis basically speaks about this social platform that is missed by many businesses. When companies think about marketing we should want to utilize all of the resources possible. There are many free sites that offer excellent marketing exposure when used correctly. Davis mentions how most businesses have the typical Facebook and Twitter account. Most of the businesses on Twitter and Facebook do not have Tumblr. The truth is Tumblr can allow a company to do a few things. Davis says that Tumblr is the site to watch in 2013 and gave some really good points to back this up.
Davis states that the consumer in the 18 to 34 year old demographic are hooked on Tumblr. It is also no surprising that a lot of business professionals are younger these days. I recently found out today that my Director of Public Relations is on Tumblr. When I asked him what he does on the site he simply answered "Tumble". I couldn't help but laugh at that answer but it also allowed me to understand Davis' article a little better. My Director of PR is 29 years old. He is a young college graduate with an executive position but at the end of the day he is like any other individual. He showed me is Tumblr account and it isn't business oriented although he follows quiet a few businesses on the site. This made me think of how many potential clients are floating around on Tumblr?
Davis also goes on to mention how Tumblr is one of the top 10 most popular websites in the U.S. Because of this many business and brands are beginning to utilize this site for marketing efforts. He also states how brands can now tell a story when advertising, post engaging photos, etc. Akutagawa International is on just about every social website there is and Tumblr is one of them. I was just amazed at how much I wasn't aware of. I am not my companies marketing specialist but I like to stay in the loop of things. I decided to do my own little research and Hayes Davis article came in handy.
"Tumblr is a highly visual experience, so brands can appeal to us on a visceral level through stunning images or animated GIFs that capture brief, emotional moments."
This is a perfect way to view Tumblr. Davis also mentions that companies should treat their Tumblr like an extension of their brands. Remember to visit http://akutagawainternational.com to see how our firm can help save you business money in 2013.
Visit Forbes.com to view Hayes Davis full article about a marketing site that has been overlooked.
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Monday, January 21, 2013
Eye Catcher! The New Commercial Real-Estate in 2013
What's attractive to your eye?
Business in 2013 is very similar to our personal lives. If we like what we see we tend to want to know more. The same goes with service and products. If we like something we buy it or find a way to buy it if possible. It is the same for technology, real-estate, and anything else that can be sold to a consumer or customer.
There was an interesting article on the New York Times website about commercial real-estate and the new techniques that they are using to get clients. The article was authored by C.J. Hughes and it brought up a few great points. One of these points was the turn in marketing efforts. Brokers are using more detailed websites to promote property. From a business perspective we can understand why this change is effective. When the human eye sees something that catches our attention we will research it a little more. If the owners of a company are looking for a place to call home and their broker shows them a few options that are plain they may buy it or they may not, but Hughes makes a great point. If the same individuals see spectacular photos of locations, and animated websites that give virtual tours and so forth, they will then ask the question "Why didn't you show me this?"
The real-estate world can be a little low key. This means that brokers tend to stay in a small community. Some agencies and real-estate companies do not have a website or online presence. In 2013 the web is the place to be. Hughes addresses this issue as well. Some feel a building that is at a well known address doesn't need much marketing efforts because the address and location can market all on it's own. What happens when you employ these new techniques?
Can brokers and real-estate agents stand to make a lot more then what they do? Can they acquire more clients than usual just by reconstructing their websites or enhancing marketing tools? The answer to these questions are all yes.
Dynamic marketing efforts can be used and also stay low cost. Akutagawa International offers great low cost solutions for agencies looking for eye catching websites and marketing efforts. http://akutagawainternational.com also assists businesses like real-estate agencies in targeting the right audience that way all of the people who are possibly interested stay notified. We can help you become an eye catcher.
Visit the New York Times website to read the full article " New York’s Office Builders Raise Their Online Voices" by C.J. Hughes
Remember to sign up for our E-Newsletter for the latest Akutagawa International business servies news and deals http://eepurl.com/rEktT
Why Business & Client Trust is Important
Like all businesses we like to keep ourselves updated with the current news. Akutagawa International especially likes the stories on the USA Today website. There was one article written by Douglas McIntyre that got our attention "Forecast: 10 most profitable U.S. Companies in 2013".
This article stood out for many reasons. It lists some of the major players in the business game, but also addresses how some are still very popular and not front runners. A good example of this is Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOG), and Microsoft (MFST). Everyone knows how large and successful Apple and Google are. We are also very familiar with their products. Microsoft use to be big, but not so much any more. You do not hear that much about Microsoft because like McIntyre's article states they are not considered big leaders in the tech world, but they do have huge profit margins.
Lets just examine that portion of McIntyre's article. Why do you think Microsoft isn't as popular as Apple or Google right now, yet they still break the charts when making profit? We will tell you why. Microsoft has earned their clients respect and loyalty. There will always be new products to try and great hype around certain products and services but at the end of the day people will choose what is known and trusted. You hear all of this advertising about a new meal at Burger King. You find yourself at the drive through looking for something quick to eat. You see all of the choices and wonder "Hmm" that sounds good, but you also have that thought that you have never tried it before and what if you don't like it. You end up ordering a Number 1 because you know you can't go wrong with a Whopper. Business is the same way. Microsoft may not be as big as Apple but when you get or use their products you already know your getting something from a company that you know and trust.
This also answers the question why some consumers will pay extra for something they can get at a deal. You can have the same exact product developed by one unknown company, Put a regular name on one and then Toshiba on the other. Consumers are guaranteed to buy the Toshiba because they are familiar with the product. Sometimes names matter, but they matter because businesses took the time and effort to prove themselves. The same can be said about any business or product. But you must also remember that just because a product or service has a name that you trust doesn't always mean you will be satisfied with the product. Even the large Brands produce things that the consumers question. This is natural.
Akutagawa International has taken the time to build that trust with our clients. Customers and clients become loyal when there is trust in the air. Just like a child jumping from high ground into his fathers arms, customers must trust you like (Dad) to make the leap.
Visit the USA Today website for Douglas McIntyre's full article or click http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/01/20/10-profitable-companies-2013/1848581/
http://akutagawainternational.com is always interested on our clients and potential clients thoughts about business news. Tell us how you feel about this article in a comment.
Remember to sign up for our E-Newsletter for the latest Akutagawa International business servies news and deals http://eepurl.com/rEktT
Marketers Wish List 2013
What your employees expect!
Infographic ran an article where they asked professionals in the field of marketing & business what they really wanted in 2013. Sort of like a wish list. Actually a wish list was exactly what it was. The results seemed pretty typical. Akutagawa International decided to take a look and give our views on some of these topics.
1. More Staff
2. More influence over customer service
3. More Analytics
These were the top wish list responds. More staff coming in at 40% and that is a given. Companies will always do better with more staff; however with new budgets it just may not be feasible. New start-up businesses will not have the finances to support a full marketing or business staff and existing corporations have to cut back. What can be done now? This is where new and creative low and no cost solutions come in. Believe it or not marketing efforts can be handled by one person and also junior staff once the strategies are in place. The upkeep and maintenance of implementation will be the tricky part, but will also change as the strategies and target markets change and grow. More staff is wanted but as professionals we need to find ways to "work with what we have", and just strive to be effective with our initial approach.
The second leading wish is more influence over customer service and updated software & tools. This makes sense because even Akutagawa International looks for ways to have more customer influence. We even turn to our Chief of Technology Officer Anthony Ling for the best software and marketing platforms being used around the world. Since we have affiliates that create and operate software worldwide we have many to choose from and test drive. This gives us options and that is something we want to give our clients, Options! It also gives http://akutagawainternational.com the opportunity to see what works, what doesn't, and what should be tweaked.
The third wish is better collaboration with IT, Sales, and or Service. This can be done simply with communication. As professionals we need to reevaluate our communication skills. Trust us when we say that good communication skills are key. You can have the top leaders in your industry all under one company and if they can not communicate effectively or amongst each other nothing will run properly. Business will begin seeing changes when all members begin communicating properly between themselves and other departments.
And the best wish of all a "NEW JOB!" Come on people, this is truly the best wish. Who doesn't want a new job, a new life, our Business Services Director said he wish he had a new identity so no one would call and interrupt his sleep in the early morning. We have to except the fact that we are individually great and just become perfect as a business unit.
Visit Infographic: Marketers' 2013 to read more about the Marketers Wish List. What is your Marketing or Business Wish for 2013? Tell us, http://akutagawainternational.com would like to know. Leave your comments on our blog or visit the above link and find out how we can offer your company the solutions mentioned in this article.
Remember to sign up for our E-Newsletter for the latest Akutagawa International business servies news and deals http://eepurl.com/rEktT
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Money Overlooked! The Business You Don't See
In this game of business, companies are constantly looking for ways to market and increase revenue. We all want to build our client base; however as business professionals we tend to overlook the obvious.
There was an article in the American Marketing Association authored by Christine Birkner that we came across and it caught our attention. One sentence in particular, "But every B-to-B marketer knows that B-to-B buyers are consumers, too, and they're spending their time in social networks just like everyone else, so B-to-B brands have to start communicating to potential customers where they are."
The bottom line is business professionals sell products and services but also use most of the same products and services. There are many professionals who work for a company and choose to get their personal products from another. This is what marketers and business professionals have to keep an eye out for. A potential client can be anywhere. Your company probably has a business facebook page, but you can guarantee that the CEO or Chief Marketing Officer of your firm has a personal facebook page as well. Like everyone else you can see a check-in at a local restaurant or pictures of the grandchildren.
Why are we mentioning this? Well, Birkners sentence in her article caused a complete mini series in our mind. This mini series allowed us to see how many potential clients get away per day. It also helps business professionals buildawareness of the importance of basic marketing skills and how we must always be prepared.
Akutagawa International has a adopted basic marketing training for all members of the business services team. This allows all of our affiliates to have basic knowledge in marketing themselves and the company. It also allows us to see business professionals for who they really are. Just Regular People!
Remember to visit the American Marketing Association website for Christine Birkner's full article. http://akutagawainternational.com is proud to share Birkner's article on our company website blog
Remember to sign up for our E-Newsletter for the latest Akutagawa International business servies news and deals http://eepurl.com/rEktT
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Why is Business better today then 10 years ago?
Even with tough budget cuts?
A lot of companies are developing new ways to stay in business with the changing times. The thing is business is better today then it was 10 years ago. Why is that? The main reason is resources! There are more resources now then there were years ago and more resources will open up in the years to come. In the old days the traditional business setting was with a company, in an office, at a desk. Technology has taken over and business can now be done from virtually anywhere.
This gives businessmen and women options and options are always good. Akutagawa International feels that options is what makes or breaks a business. If you only offer few that gives your clients very little to work with. The internet itself is a major money maker if you know how to navigate it. You can reach millions of people and thousands of potential clients. It is a way to communicate anywhere you are. This means you can be on the beach catching some rays and trading on the stock exchange. What is so cool about that you ask? Think about it? Take the second honeymoon you always wanted with your spouse and send that new marketing plan to the office from your tablet while sipping a mocha latte by a pool in Mexico. I don't know about you, but I just got excited with just typing that thought.
Business can be done anywhere. I mean anywhere. You don't even need a traditional office, in some cases you don't even need a team. All that is needed is a good idea and a great strategy. Now don't get me wrong, you can have a great strategy and still have some trouble along the way. That is were hard work, and dedication come in. You can not stop at the first sign of trouble. Have a plan A and B and maybe a contingency plan in case A & B fail.
Some may say it cost to much money to start a business and I have a business idea. While it does cost a little money all you need is a computer which most of the people on planet earth have or have access to. There are many free resources that can be utilized by new business owners and existing corporations as well. One of Akutagawa International's Directors ran a small electronic campaign on http://akutagawainternational.com in combination with Twitter and Facebook. He tracked the entire thing for a week using Google Analytics and managed to reach 64,000 people. This isn't a large number but it was also an experiment. He didn't have a target audience, didn't pay for any marketing or advertising, and managed to turn 23 of those people reached into clients. This again seems like a small number. If you are a new business with limited financial means, 23 clients is a HUGE number. Once you have proven yourself to your clients they will then recommend you. This is now your word of mouth marketing kicking in.
Experimenting is a major factor in business. Whether you are new or existing. It lets you see what works and what doesn't. What should be tweaked and what should be added. The great thing is money isn't the biggest issue. It's being creative and finding free and extremely low cost ways to do this. That is why Akutagawa International can help business on any budget. We have experimented with many resources and have found ways to offer our clients things that they would normally pay thousands of dollars for.
Visit our website http://akutagawainternational.com for more information on how we can help you business. Our clients are in 9 different countries around the world so we have developed loyal affiliates in just about every aspect of business. International companies receive special discounts along with our U.S.A based businesses.
Follow us on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for special promotions.
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Monday, January 14, 2013
Akutagawa Internationals CEO Interview
Akutagawa International's CEO/Founder/ & Chairwoman
There are so many people that have questions for the CEO of Akutagawa International. I have decided to answer some of the peoples questions to give them a better sense of who I am as a professional and as a person.
Where were you born?
CEO: I was born on the island of Okinawa in Japan but was raised in Osaka, Hyogo, and Tokyo throughout my younger years and came to the U.S.A. when I was 15 years old.
You run Akutagawa International but also have another job. What is it?
CEO: My school training has involved business and international trade; however I have trained in medicine for about 7 years so I currently work and rotate between 3 hospitals in Emergency Medicine, Surgery, and Orthopedics.
How often do you work in a week?
CEO: I work about 24 hours per week in the hospital. I rotate through 3 hospitals an additinal 20 hours and run Akutagawa International. So if there are 7 days in a week between all of them I work about 20 hours within a day. Times 7 you guys do the math (lol)
During your free time what do you like to do?
CEO: I have many different skills and I like to do whatever comes to mind. I write so you can find some of my writing on Booksie.com, I also play piano and cello. I swim, ice skate, travel, go to the movies, dance, cook, and shop. I am like any other person actually. I was married once but not anymore. I also have a 14 year old daughter. I stay pretty busy but find ways to take care of all of my responsibilities. Some people call me super woman.
What's your favorite food to eat?
CEO: I love sushi and sashimi but I also enjoy a good old fashioned american hotdog from a stand in NYC. I am mixed South American and Japanese so I enjoy spanish and asian food. I am not really picky but I do have a weakness for chocolate and any food containing cheese.
If you could have any 1 wish what would it be?
CEO: I one wish would be for 3 more wishes haha, but if I could only have one I would choose for my daughter to always be happy.
Do you plan on having more children?
CEO: I do plan on future children. I would also like to adopt as well. I have a lot of love to give and want to share it with everyone I can.
Is there a special man in your life?
CEO: Maybe :)
What kind of music do you listen to?
CEO: Anything with a good beat to it.
Do you watch T.V.?
CEO: When I have the time yes. I tend to watch a lot of Japanese and Korean Dramas but enjoy any good show with action, medicine, melodrama. Something that will keep my attention seeing as I have the attention span of a flea.
Favorite movie?
CEO: I would have to say "Frequency"
What made you decide to develop Akutagawa International?
CEO: Akutagawa International was created on an idea from a friend of mine that had to much to drink at a party. He wished his firm could get all of their business services from one group. I looked at all of my friends in the room and between us we could offer just about all the business services a company could wish for and we speak 15 languages between us. That was the birth of Akutagawa International. I decided to cut the cost of services because budgets in 2013 are tighter. We all have regular jobs and work together to bring the best quality services to our clients at half the price agencies would charge.
These are just a few of the questions I am asked and figured I would answer. I must admit I love the people.
Externships! How International Business Students Earn Experience
"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime. "
Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth
The phrase holds true in business as well. You can have the best man heading up your marketing department and a world class woman in charge of your advertising; however if they can't work together at the end of the day where does that leave your company? And a company is only as good as the men and women who run it.
Akutagawa International knows that some of the best individuals out there are the ones who aren't even known yet. What do we mean by this? It is very simple, The Students! Some may even ask how are students any help when they do not have formal degrees yet? The answer to this question is even easier. Eager Minds!
This brings us to the externship thought. What is an externship? What is an extern? Externships are experimental learning opportunities, very similar to internships, general offered to students in a specific major to give them short practical experience in their field of study. Not all companies offer internships or externships; however externships are becoming more popular. A lot of companies can not afford to pay interns because of budget cuts and externs do the same type of work and hold the same responsibility as interns but do not get paid for it.
This may make you now ask the question, Why would anyone work for free? It is not about the pay for these students. It is about putting what they learned in the classroom to use. Anyone can recite theory but if you are unable to apply that theory in real world situations where does that leave you?
Akutagawainternational.com welcomes Externs
Externs come from all over the world. Since a lot of business can be done via internet sometimes there is no need for externs to leave their own country and also get great opportunities along the way. Akutagawa International has been playing around with this idea recently. A fellow affiliate in the investment industry asked what made us give this more thought? Our Director of Business Services told him it is utilizing all opportunities. Some of the best ideas come from new minds. Students want to be their best and learn as much as they can. As an extern for Akutagawa International they get to put those ideas to the test. They stand a chance of heading up and leading their own project, and networking with other companies around the world. This means they get recommendations from Akutagawa International and also the companies affiliated with us.
Akutagawa International Externs get to create projects within their major of study, construct the projects in their native language, work with specialist to better their english, run the campaigns worldwide and within their country of origin. This is a great chance for the fresh mind to become engaged with the business world. Akutagawa International team members will assist throughout the process.
How does this benefit a company? The benefit is to both company and student. The student gets all of the benefits listed above and the company gets to engage with new fresh minds and ideas. Sometimes the best ideas come from the youngsters just learning the materials. They are also eager to try these new methods out.
Make sure to Follow us on Twitter @AkutagawaUSA for more information about extern opportunities.
Externships usually run a shorter amount of time then internships, however, Akutagawa International will allow any externs that prove exceptional work ethics continued externships. Akutagawa International provides business services in Marketing, Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Investing, Commercial & Residential Real Estate, Web Design, Portfolio Management, Finances, Electronics Repair, Service, Program and Install, Business Start-up Plans and more. Our externs will come from College and university majors in fields such as Accounting, Advertising, General Business, Management, International Business, Marketing, Business Administration, Real-Estate, Economics, Computer Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, Communication Technologies, Foreign Languages and more. All of these majors stand to learn a lot from working with an international business firm.
Visit http://akutagawainternational.com for a list of what our company does and how an externship may be right for you. Akutagawa International will consider externs from anywhere around the world but are currently looking to provide externships for students in U.S.A, Japan, and South Korea.
Remember to sign up for our E-Newsletter for the latest Akutagawa International business servies news and deals http://eepurl.com/rEktT
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